Scala has a powerful pattern matching mechanism, that we can think of a kind of “switch” if we come from another programming language, but it’s much more powerful and I’d love to explore some of its options here. A simple switch in Scala would look like this:
a match {
case 1 => "One"
case 2 => "Two"
case _ => "Whatever"
In this case we have cases with 1 and 2, and if something else is matched then we return “Whatever”. But this is really simple, let’s make it more complex matching with types too.
a match {
case i: Int => "Integer!"
case s: String => "String: " + s
case _ => "Whatever"
The above piece of code would look like this in Java:
if (a instanceOf Integer) return "Integer!";
if (a instanceOf String) return "String: " + s;
return "Whatever";
Now if a is a string we return “String”, if it’s an integer we return “Integer!” and if it’s something else we return “Whatever”.
We can also match against case classes. Imagine we have a case class with an integer and a string called Element.
case class Element(weight: Int, name: String)
In that case we can make a more complete match:
Element(85, "Fruit") match {
case Element(_, "Fruit") => "Fruit is coming"
case Element(80, _) => "80 kg!"
case Element(80, "Fruit") => "80 kg of Fruit"
case _ => "Whatever"
Apart from all the options described here we can add a boolean before the =>
Element(85, "Fruit") match {
case Element(weight, "Fruit") if weight > 50 => "More than 50kg of fruit"
case Element(80, _) => "80 kg!"
case _ => "Whatever"
The nice thing about pattern matching is that you can use exactly the same structures in closures or catch blocks.