My Biggest Mistake Working Remotely

I’ve been working fully remotely for more than ten years now. The last eight as a software engineer at Buffer, a fully remote company since its inception in 2010. From all these years, I’ve learned a lot: how to balance my work and my personal life, how to communicate better when I write, heck I’ve even learned how to use the right emoji at the right time; it’s more useful than you think if you’re on Slack each day....

May 24, 2023

How to Change the World

There are two fundamental components in the world: human beings and nature. By influencing either one of them, you can effectively create change in the world. It’s hard to have a significant impact on nature, though. Even if you use your bike more, recycle regularly, or vote for the right politicians to pass environmentally-friendly laws, your impact will be small. While we should all strive to make a difference, we won’t be able to witness much of that impact in our lifetimes....

April 28, 2023

Foundational Habits

If you’re like most people, you have some free time every day to choose what to do with daily outside obligations like work or taking care of your family. What you do with your free time has a direct and profound impact physically and mentally, and you probably repeat some activities each day. They’ve become your habits now. If we repeat certain behaviors daily, wouldn’t it be helpful to think deeply about what they bring to our life?...

April 21, 2023

Own Your Work

One of the easiest ways to start sharing your work in the form of writing, designs, or photographs is by using the latest trendy platform in that space, especially when everyone else seems to be using it. How many Blogspot sites are you checking these days? They still work, but Google has killed one or two services, so who knows for how long? Medium was great for publishing content, but it doesn’t seem to be the case anymore....

April 2, 2023

Call yourself titles

We constantly question ourselves when attempting anything new for the first time, which is daunting. And what’s worse, it prevents us from doing anything new, so we can’t change who we are. If you’ve always been terrible at sports and want to start working out, the natural reaction after a few attempts is to stop and return to your old habits. At the end of the day, you’re not an athlete....

March 25, 2023