The real price of things

When we buy something, we pay only a small fraction of its cost. Anything consuming hours of our lives carries an enormous price tag....

December 6, 2023

Your next ten years

When considering our goals, let's think long-term. We'll probably end up way further than we think if we keep going....

November 22, 2023

Don't hijack our browser shortcuts

Any potential speed benefit we might get in your app with that shortcut is offset by the annoyance of being unable to do what we always do....

November 17, 2023

Happiness is not a scroll away

There's this nagging feeling that the next scroll might reveal something amazing, and you might miss it if you don't keep scrolling....

November 13, 2023

The domino effect of good habits

Some small habits are like little domino pieces that can make you go in the right or wrong direction with the rest of your decisions...

November 7, 2023