Switch in Scala (Pattern Matching)

Scala has a powerful pattern matching mechanism, that we can think of a kind of “switch” if we come from another programming language, but it’s much more powerful and I’d love to explore some of its options here. A simple switch in Scala would look like this: a match { case 1 => "One" case 2 => "Two" case _ => "Whatever" } In this case we have cases with 1 and 2, and if something else is matched then we return “Whatever”....

July 10, 2013

SBT in Scala Compile when You Save a File

I’ve worked on some Scala projects recently using SBT (Scala Building Tool) and every time I had a change in a file I needed to go to SBT and type compile until I found a simple instruction to keep it compiling for me. Just execute SBT and run the following command: ~ compile Now every time you save a file it will be compiled automatically. In the official documentation you can see more details....

July 8, 2013

Set Content Type in RSpec

The last week I had a spec with a request where I needed to specify the content type and Google sensei didn’t help me. It took me an hour until I finally found it, so let me show here briefly how to do it just in case I have to find it again. ...

June 11, 2013

Bruno: Localizable.strings to strings.xml (iOS - Android)

I’ve created a small gem, Bruno, to convert a Localizable.strings (iOS) file to a strings XML file (Android) and vice-versa. ...

May 19, 2013

Dynamic Conditions for Associations in Rails 3

If you are using dynamic conditions in Rails 3, like Time.now or 1.week.ago you should use a Proc for that condition. ...

February 6, 2013