I’ve always loved lighthouses. Apart from their astounding views and beautiful settings, they’re a great reminder of how we can have a deeper meaning in our lives.

We live in a world where you don’t need to talk too much to anyone if you don’t want to.

Do you want a pizza, an Uber, or a date? Open the right app and tap on the right places.

Do you want to feel important? Post a photo, and some random people will give you their virtual hearts.

The human connection needed for survival seems too distant nowadays, too virtual to realize it’s still there.

So, what does it matter what you do with your life then? What’s the point in doing certain things correctly if nobody cares and they’re all minding their own businesses?

Lighthouses can still prove us wrong. The first ones were built over two thousand years ago. They emit their lights with the same frequency, night after night, week after week, non-stop.

A ship in the middle of the storm might see that light coming from the coast, and its crew will save their lives. And yet, the lighthouse keeper[1] will never know. But the lighthouse will keep working.

Our lives, as disconnected from others as they seem, have the potential to be positive beacons for our fellow human beings.

Were you friendly with the cashier in the supermarket? Maybe the person behind you in the line saw it and was positively affected by that.

Are you taking care of your health? Your significant other or friends may draw inspiration from your commitment to well-being.

In the middle of the night, it seems nobody cares about that lighthouse working, but the light might save someone out there. And that, indeed, can make all the difference.

Lighthouse at nightLighthouse at night


[1] Most lighthouses are fully automated nowadays, but some around the world still depend on their keepers. This Wikipedia article shows the current status.